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Rabu, 08 Agustus 2018

Daily Activity #2 ENG

Assalamualaiikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu,

    Hallo genks, second day in practical week, today the material that we will practice is the process of making croissants and danish , and also the practice of making tartlets / sugar dough and my group got the task of making lemon tart, so today I shared the task with my group friends, i made croissants and my group friends made tart lime oranges. so I will share about croissants ranging from ingredients to how to make them.

croissants are one of the bread products where the origin of this croissant comes from francis which looks like a crescent texture from this food crispi outside and inside is tender, and the process of making it doesn't take too long and extra patience.

ingredients for make croissant :
1     kg     cakra flour
90   gr      sugar
15   gr      salt
10   gr      instan yeast
2     pcs    egg
600 ml     fresh milk
600 gr      shortening fat

how to make a croissant:
1. Prepare all ingredients 
2. do the straigh dough method, which is to mix all dry ingredients (chakra flour,

sugar, salt, yeast) 

3. mix until mix well. 
4. add egg mix until well blended 
5. add fresh milk little by little. 
6. After that, knead the mixture until the mixture is not sticky in the hand. 
7. proofing at room temperature between 20-25 degrees celsius for approximately 30 minutes. 
8. form of shortening fat with a size of 15 * 15 cm - 17 * 17 cm 
9. put fat into the chiller for approximately 30 minutes 
10. after that the shape of the moon dough with a diameter of 20 cm can cover the fat that will be on

slip in the dough, and form a square with a size of 20 * 20 cm. 

11. put again it in the freezer for 30-minute .

12. After that, roll the dough where the folds over the to us, with a length

approximately 60 cm. 

13. after that fold the dough and I use a single fold, 
14. put in the freezer. 
15. rolling the length of the dough back where it's still the same as before, don't forget,


16. put it back in the freezer for 30 minutes.  

17. after that rolling back with a length of 120 cm and a width of 20 cm. 
13. After that the dough is elongated so that it is triangular in shape with legs. 
14. after that form / roll the dough so that it forms like a crescent moon. 
15. proofing at room temperature with a period of approximately 2 hours. 
16. After that, spread with egg wash and let it sit again for 10 minutes. 
17. reapply with egg wash. 
18. bake with a temperature of 175 degrees Celsius for approximately 15 minutes. 
19. after that lower the temperature to 150 degrees celsius and bake back for more or less

10 minutes.

20. then be a croissant.


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