Cari Blog Ini

Kamis, 13 September 2018



Hello genks, it's still a practice week and the last day of this week where today is precisely Thursday, and today my group will do the morning tea practice at the rectorate on our campus, so today we arrived early because we will set-up the restaurant and have to be ready at 7:30 a.m. so my friends and I come at 5:30 a.m., we also have to do some baking for bread that we prepared yesterday, and there are several types of food that we will set-up including:

- croissants
- danish
- beliner
- creamy puff
- chocolate cheesee tart
- abon bread
- lemper
- muffins
- mini cake
- talam labu

as for its versatility, namely:

-infusion of water


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