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Kamis, 07 September 2017



Well as always, I will explain or tell my activities today.

today my activity in the kitchen is watching or giving directions to my junior. as usual before entering the kitchen every day obligations we have to do is to check the tools that are required to under every day during practice week, and do not forget also we always start our activity by praying to ALLAH SWT.

On this day the material that I will convey and I explain to my junior is about how to make beef brown stock. beef brown stock is a liquid derived from bone, meat or vegetable stew that added aromatic vegetable and bouquet garnie and cooked slowly so that the vegetable aromatic out.

Well, here I will share knowledge of what I know and what I have gained from my college is TOURISM POLITECHNIC OF MAKASSAR , especially in the majors FOOD PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT.


Generally the meaning of the broth is classified according to the color include:

White / clear broth (White Stock)
Made from fish bones, chicken bones, beef bones, and vegetables (mirepoix : onion, carrot, and celery.
Brown Broth (Brown Stock)
Made from beef bones, lamb bones, fork bones, veal bones and aromatic vegetable ( mirepoix : onion, carrot and celery) and tomato paste.Classification of stock in accordance with its basic ingredients:

    beef stock

Veal stock
lamb stock
Chicken stock
fish stock
Ingredients to make stock :


Bone is the main ingredient that influences the taste and specification of stock, the bone commonly used to make bone beef stock, chicken bones, fish bones and lamb bones.


An ingredient of stock consisting of (onions , carrot and celery / sledri comparison (4: 2: 1).

Bouquet garnie

The ingredients of the fragrance and the spice ties consist of leek, black pepper, thyme, bay leave, and rosemary


In making stock is used clean water and free of odor or taste sharp, for example chlorine, salt etc.
Function stock in cooking :

Stimulates the digestive apparatus so as to cause appetite
Basic ingredients of soup and sauces
Gives a certain flavor and taste in the cooking process
Adding nutritional value to the cuisine
Things to watch out for to get a quality stock :

Must use clean equipment
Using quality materials, good quality with the right comparison.
The bones are cut into small pieces to allow the extractive substances and scents to come out as much as possible and dissolve in the broth.
Begin the processing of broth with cold water, after the bone is blanched first.
Remove fat and dirt floating on the surface (To Skim) when the stock is not boiling
After boiling (100ºC), reduce the heat (Simmer) temperature below the boiling point (70º - 80ºC) and let it continue to fall unopened, when the boiling stock continues to cause the quality of the broth to become turbid and many liquids evaporate.
Strain the stock with Tammy Cloth / filter cloth when the broth is cooked to standard.
The broth to be stored in the refrigerator cupboard should be cooled first.
Do not add salt to facilitate further use.
The tools used to make the stock:

Stock Pot
Vegetable knife
Cutting board
Place to cut bones or vegetables
Tools for measuring material requirements

Roasting pan
* Mirepoix: roughly cut vegetablesConsists of: onion, carrot and steam celery* Buoquet garnie

 Consists of :

Stalk parsley / parsley
Bay leaf
Black pepper

*Secara umum pengertian kaldu diklasifikasi sesuai dengan warna meliputi :

  1. Kaldu putih/jernih (White Stock)
    Terbuat dari tulang ikan, ayam (kaki ayam), tulang sapi, dan sayuran (mirepoix – onion/ bawang Bombay, carrot/ wortel dan celery/ sledri).
  2. Kaldu coklat (Brown Stock)
    Terbuat dari tulang sapi, kambing atau binatang perburuan dan sayuran (mirepoix – onion/ bawang Bombay, carrot/ wortel dan celery/ sledri) yang diolah melalui proses penggosongan.
Klasifikasi kaldu sesuai dengan bahan dasarnya :

  1. Kaldu sapi
  2. Kaldu sapi muda
  3. Kaldu kambing
  4. Kaldu ayam
  5. Kaldu ikan

  1. Tulang
    Tulang merupakan bahan utama yang mempengaruhi rasa dan spesifikasi kaldu, tulang yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat kaldu yaitu tulang sapi, kaki ayam, tulang ikan dan kambing.
  2. Mirepoix
    Merupakan bahan pemberi aroma kaldu yang terdiri dari (onion/ bawang Bombay, carrot/ wortel dan celery/ sledri perbandingan (4:2:1).
  3. Bouquet garnie
    Bahan pemberi aroma dan merupakan ikatan bumbu terdiri dari leek/ loncang, black pepper corn/ lada hitam butir, thyme, bay leave, parsly/ celery-batangnya.
  4. Air
    Dalam pembuatan kaldu dipergunakan air yang bersih dan bebas dari bau atau rasa yang tajam, misalnya kaporit, asin dll.
Fungsi kaldu dalam masakan

  1. Merangsang alat pencernaan sehingga menimbulkan nafsu makan
  2. Bahan dasar pembuatan sup maupun saus
  3. Memberi aroma dan rasa tertentu dalam pengolahan masakan
  4. Menambah nilai gizi pada masakan
Hal-hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk memperoleh kaldu yang berkualitas

  1. Harus menggunakan peralatan yang bersih
  2. Menggunakan bahan yang berkualitas, bermutu baik dengan perbandingan yang tepat.
  3. Tulang dipotong kecil-kecil agar zat ekstraktif dan aroma dapat keluar semaksimal mungkin dan larut dalam kaldu.
  4. Mulailah pengolahan kaldu dengan air dingin, setelah tulang di-blanching terlebih dahulu.
  5. Buang lemak dan kotoran yang mengapung dipermukaan (To Skim) saat kaldu belum mendidih
  6. Setelah mendidih (100ºC), kecilkan api (Simmer) suhu dibawah titik didih (70º - 80ºC) dan biarkan terus terjerang tanpa ditutup, bila kaldu mendidih terus mengakibatkan kualitas kaldu menjadi keruh dan cairan banyak yang menguap.
  7. Saring kaldu dengan Tammy Cloth/ kain penyaring saat kaldu sudah matang sesuai standar.
  8. Kaldu yang akan disimpan dalam almari pendingin, harus didinginkan terlebih dahulu.
  9. Jangan ditambah garam untuk memudahkan penggunaan selanjutnya.
Alat yang digunakan untuk membuat kaldu :

  • Stock Pot
    stainless stell
    Tempat merebus kaldu
  • Vegetable knife
    Stainless steel
    Memotong tulang/ sayuran
  • Cutting board
    Tempat untuk memotong tulang atau sayuran
  • Scale
    Plastic / mica / Digital
    Alat untuk mengukur kebutuhan bahan
  • Skimming Spoon / Spoon sloted
    Stainless stell
    Mengambil busa/ kotoran dipermukaan kaldu
  • Ladle
    Stainless stell
    Mengambil kaldu
  • Conical strainers
    Stainless stell
    Menyaring kaldu
  • Roasting pan
    Stainless stell
    Menggosongkan tulang dalam oven atau diatas perapian
  • Wooden spatula
    Mengaduk tulang saat disaute 
  • Oven
    Stainless steel / electric
    Mengolah makanan melalui sirkulasi panas didalamnya (menggosongkan tulang, mirepoix)
* Mirepoix : sayuran yang dipotong kasar
Terdiri dari  : bawang Bombay, wortel & batang sledri
*Buoquet garnie / ikatan sayuran 
Terdiri dari :

  • Thyme 
  • Stalk parsley / parsley
  • Bay leaf
  • Black pepper corn
  • Leek

Results of activities : 



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