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Selasa, 05 September 2017



hallo guys,
how are you ???

i would like to explain my activities in my campus, Torism Politechnic Of Makassar.

well  guys, today as always us before the activitie starts we always read prayer. and we get direction from senior. and today my group and i get assigment to make main course that is Beef Stroganof.
So, i will explain what is beef stroganof.

       Elena Molokhovets's classic Russian cookbook A Gift to Young Housewives gives the first known recipe for Govjadina po-strogonovski, s gorchitseju, "Beef à la Stroganov, with mustard", in its 1871 edition.[3][4][5] The recipe involves lightly floured beef cubes (not strips) sautéed, sauced with prepared mustard and bouillon, and finished with a small amount of sour cream: no onions, no mushrooms. A competition purported to have taken place in 1890 is sometimes mentioned in the dish's history, but both the recipe and the name existed before then. Another recipe, this one from 1909, adds onions and tomato sauce, and serves it with crisp potato straws, which are considered the traditional side dish for Beef Stroganoff in Russia.[3][6] The version given in the 1938 Larousse Gastronomique includes beef strips, and onions, with either mustard or tomato paste optional. 

       Buku masak klasik Elena Molokhovets dari Rusia Hadiah untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga Muda memberi resep pertama yang diketahui untuk Govjadina po-strogonovski, s gorchitseju, "Beef à la Stroganov, dengan mustard", dalam edisi 1871. [3] [4] [5] Resep melibatkan berupa serbuk ringan kubus daging sapi (tidak strip) tumis, saos dengan mustard disiapkan dan kaldu, dan selesai dengan sejumlah kecil krim asam: tidak ada bawang, tidak ada jamur. Sebuah kompetisi yang konon telah terjadi pada tahun 1890 kadang-kadang disebutkan dalam sejarah hidangan, namun resep dan nama itu ada sebelum itu. resep lain, kali ini dari tahun 1909, menambahkan bawang dan saus tomat, dan melayani dengan sedotan kentang renyah, yang dianggap lauk tradisional untuk Beef Stroganoff di Rusia. [3] [6] Versi yang diberikan pada Gastronomique Larousse tahun 1938 mencakup potongan daging sapi, dan bawang bombay, dengan pasta mustard atau tomat opsional.

       After the fall of Tsarist Russia, the recipe was popularly served in the hotels and restaurants of China before the start of World War II.[7] Russian and Chinese immigrants, as well as US servicemen stationed in pre-Communist China, brought several variants of the dish to the United States, which may account for its popularity during the 1950s. It came to Hong Kong in the late fifties, with Russian restaurants and hotels serving the dish with rice, but not sour cream. In the version often prepared in the United States today in restaurants and hotels, it consists of strips of beef filet with a mushroom, onion, and sour cream sauce, and is served over rice or noodles.

       Setelah jatuhnya Tsarist Rusia, resep tersebut populer di restoran dan restoran di China sebelum dimulainya Perang Dunia II. [7] Imigran Rusia dan China, serta tentara AS yang ditempatkan di China pra-Komunis, membawa beberapa varian hidangan ke Amerika Serikat, yang mungkin menyebabkan popularitasnya selama tahun 1950an. Itu datang ke Hong Kong pada akhir tahun lima puluhan, dengan restoran dan hotel Rusia menyajikan hidangan dengan nasi, tapi bukan krim asam. Dalam versi yang sering disiapkan di Amerika Serikat saat ini di restoran dan hotel, terdiri dari potongan daging sapi filet dengan saus jamur, bawang merah, dan saus krim asam, dan disajikan di atas nasi atau mie.

       In the UK and Australia, a recipe very similar to that commonly found in the United States has become popular, generally served with rice and sometimes with pasta as well as in commercially prepared frozen dishes.[8] Today, the dish is generally served over twisted egg noodles in the United States. British pubs usually serve a version of the dish with a creamy white wine sauce, whereas more "authentic" versions are often red stews with a scoop of sour cream separately served on top.

       Di Inggris dan Australia, resep yang sangat mirip dengan yang biasa ditemukan di Amerika Serikat telah menjadi populer, umumnya disajikan dengan nasi dan kadang-kadang dengan pasta dan juga dalam hidangan beku yang disiapkan secara komersial. [8] Saat ini, hidangan ini umumnya disajikan di atas mie telur yang dipelintir di Amerika Serikat. Pub Inggris biasanya menyajikan versi sajian dengan saus anggur putih krem, sedangkan versi "asli" sering berwarna merah dengan satu sendok krim asam yang disajikan secara terpisah di atas.


Making Process beef stroganoff

 Process simmering beef stroganoff.


Result of beef stroganoff.

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